Exhibiting Sustainability virtue

Sustainability and continuity remains the company most valued assets. In
DANMOTECH LTD, we engage our business and services superlatively while
stakeholder’s interest are protected. Irrespective of our numerous Commitment in our
Contemporary competitive oil & gas market, we remain mindful of our responsibility by
ensuring fair and cooperative relationship in all our activities.

Corporate Mission

To sustainably service and maintain the

oil and gas world needed for both habitual
and non habitual environment, limiting the
impact of our industrial activities to the
best and acceptable global practices as
well as respect and protect the interest, view and aspiration of our major stakeholder.


INDUSTRIAL SAFETY: In compliance with our safety, health security and
environmental policy, whenever we build new facilities or undertake major extensions
on existing site, or involve on any major environmental oil clean-up, recovery or
evacuation/remediation, we only launch the project once an environmental risk
assessment has been carried out.
Prior to each job on major project, an environmental audit is conducted with the help of
internally and locally renowned experts specialized consultants that will based its
analysis on

  • Cultural Heritage
  • Air & Soil Quality
  • Water.

This audit then serves as the foundation and panacea for the location life wire. An
environmental impact assessment (EIA) sets the measure to be taken during each
project phase to limit the environmental impact.

Monitoring programmers’ and regular audits are carried out over the entire project life.


Because risk is inherent in all our varying industrial activities, risk management is one
of our core priorities. Prevention is the foundation of our approach, if not holistically, but
at least as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

These Involves:

  • Selecting means of transportation and routes that links the risk of accidents.
  • Conducting regular maintenance.
  • Designing equipment that is increasingly safe, reliable and efficient.
  • Selecting processes whose environmental impacts is systematically assessed.
    But despite our creative precautions taken, our operation can as well cause pollutions,
    accidents, incidents or near-miss. Therefore we have emergency response plan which
    • Emergency response team (ERT)
    • Medical evacuation (MEDEVAC)


  • Do not work without valid work permit.
  • Monitor work whenever there is a risk of explosion or toxic
  • Anew permit must be issued if conditions or operating procedures change.
  • Perform checks before work commences.


  • Do not enter a confined space until isolation has been verified/confined space
  • A safety attendant (standby worker) must be nearby to monitor work.
  • Suffocation, falls, explosion, crushing, driving and other risk must be addressed
  • An emergency evacuation plan must be provided.


  • Do not perform excavation work without valid work permit or excavation
  • Stay alert while working to safeguard unexpected hazards.
  • Take precautions to prevent ground movement, e.g machinery must be
    positioned at a distance from the excavation (safe distance)

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