Danmotech Foundations

Danmotech Foundation

About Us

Our goal is to put smiles on the faces of the less priviledged

Danmotech Foundation is a non-Governmental (NGO), established on 2nd November 2019 with the sole aim and objective of eradicating poverty and empowering the less privileged


The Danmotech foundations is saddle with the responsibility of rendering humanitarian services to the people.


The aim of this foundation is to put smile on the face of the less privilege such as orphans, physically challenged, vulnerable, Aged and those who are financially incapacitated.


To Fight and Eradicate poverty from ISOKO land and beyond.

Some of our Major Achievements




Danmotech Foundation having medical as one of its cardinal objectives has defrayed the medical bills of thousands of sick people at different hospitals. It has also sponsored people abroad for medical surgery spending millions of dollars.

The foundation routinely designed a scholarship scheme where sons and daughters of ISOKO Land are been sponsored to higher schools to acquire higher education and after graduating, are being assisted to get jobs and those with professional courses are established to practice.

Going by the name founders principles,” I am born to help the needy. That is what i will for and die for”. He detest laxity, and idleness. In the light of this, the foundation had empowered thousands of ISOKO son and Daughters in large and small scale businesses.

Salary Payment to the Aged

The foundation attempt to encourage longivity and eradicate suffering from the faces of the vulnerable and the aged, decided to place them on salary monthly.

Infrastructural Development

Dnamotech Foundation being a charitable organization has helped in several ways to developed clans and villages across ISOKO land. We demonstrate this in buying land building churches, renovation of boreholes, completion of community’s town halls buildings of houses for individuals, building of new structure in schools, just a few to be mentioned.

Car Gifts

The Climate of the foundation is the gift of cars, it has given over Eight Hundred Cars since its inception. This cars range from all brands like SUV, Land Cruiser, Lexus, Hilux, Jeeps, Slana, Coastal Buses, Toyota corolla, among others.

Humanitarian Response

In rendering this humanitarian services, the foundation respond swiftly to natural disasters such as Rain Storms, Fire and Flood. Exhibiting this philanthropical gesture, the foundation spent millions of naira in buying palliatives and cash to the internally displaced persons in 2022 flooding season.

Market Women Empowerment

The foundation was empowered over one millions market women in both daily and evening market.

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